Date Title Content Categories 2020/05/15 About these resources The material in this section includes writings by Dr Kalim Siddiqui; writings about Dr Kalim Siddiqui; videos; documents relating to the work of the Muslim … Uncategorized 2020-05-15 17:20:28 1998/09/16 On Dr Kalim’s final paper, ‘Political dimensions of the Seerah’ (1998) Article by on Dr Kalim Siddiqui’s final, incomplete work, a research proposal for work on ‘Political dimensions of the Seerah’ (Crescent International, September 16-30, 1998). … Articles, Crescent International, Papers and speeches, Writings 1998-09-16 15:03:54 1996/11/03 ‘A Life in the Islamic Movement’ — a short biography of Dr Kalim Siddiqui In November 1996, six months after Dr Kalim Siddiqui’s death in South Africa, the Muslim Institute and the Muslim Parliament of Great Britain jointly hosted … Articles, Muslim Institute, Papers and speeches 1996-11-03 00:00:55 1996/04/01 Reflections on ‘Stages of Islamic Revolution’ – Iqbal Siddiqui Article written by Iqbal Siddiqui to mark the 20th Anniversary of both the publication of Stages of Islamic Revolution, and Dr Kalim Siddiqui’s death. Published … Articles, Crescent International, Papers and speeches, Writings 1996-04-01 20:23:17 1996/04/01 Introduction – Stages of Islamic Revolution (1996) Introduction to Dr Kalim Siddiqui’s final book, Stages of Islamic Revolution. This book was published just in time for his final conference, in South Africa in … Papers and speeches, Writings 1996-04-01 20:11:00 1996/04/01 Foreword – Stages of Islamic Revolution (1996) Dr Kalim Siddiqui’s Foreword to his final book, Stages of Islamic Revolution, reflecting on his intentions for it and the circumstances in which it was … Papers and speeches, Reflections, Writings 1996-04-01 19:52:05 1994/09/23 The long road to Khilafah – Q-News, 1994. (Dr Kalim Siddiqui, Q-News, 23-30 September, 1994.) Now that the kerfuffle over the Khilafah Conference has died down, it is time to examine some of … Articles 1994-09-23 20:09:29 1992/01/04 Video: The Inauguration of the Muslim Parliament (1992) The Muslim Parliament of Great Britain was inaugurated on 4 January, 1992. This video shows the inauguration and Dr Kalim Siddiqui’s inaugural address in full. … Muslim Parliament, Videos 1992-01-04 16:47:14 1990/12/15 The road back to Palestine — Dr Kalim Siddiqui, 1990. Speech prepared for presentation at a conference on Al-Quds in Tehran in December 1990. The speech was not actually given as Dr Kalim Siddiqui was … Crescent International, Papers and speeches, Writings 1990-12-15 15:16:37 1989/10/29 The Manchester speech on the Rushdie affair (October 21, 1989) A major element of the Rushdie affair was the demand from many of Rushdie’s supporters that Dr Kalim Siddiqui be prosecuted for incitement to murder. … Muslim Institute, Papers and speeches 1989-10-29 20:50:00 1989/04/01 Speech: The implications of the Rushdie Affair for Muslims in Britain (April 1, 1989) Six weeks after Imam Khomeini’s fatwa ignited the Rushdie affair, the Muslim Institute held a conference on The Implications of the Rushdie Affair for Muslims … Muslim Institute, Papers and speeches, Uncategorized 1989-04-01 20:32:00 1988/01/06 Video: Kalim Siddiqui on ‘The Future of the Haramain’ (1988) Keynote speech by Dr Kalim Siddiqui at the Muslim Institute World Seminar on ‘The Future of the Haramain’. This was the last of the World … Muslim Institute, Seminars, Videos 1988-01-06 17:07:00 1987/03/16 Seminars represent ‘A well-articulated philosophy of State, politics and revolution’ – Ahmad Mohammad Kani Article by Ahmad Mohammad Kani, a Sudanese academic at Ahmedu Bello University, Nigeria, responding to the suspension of the Muslim Institute World Seminars in 1987. … Muslim Institute, Seminars 1987-03-16 18:43:47 1987/03/16 The annual world seminars: proof of the Ummah’s unity – Tengku Hasan di Tiro Article by Tengku Hasan di Tiro, leader-in-exile of the Acehnese Islamic movement GAM, published in Crescent International, March 16-31, 1987. Reprinted in Issues in the … Muslim Institute, Seminars 1987-03-16 18:03:44 1987/02/16 ‘Exhausted by the excitement of generating political thought’ – reflections on the MI world seminars Article by Dr Kalim Siddiqui published in Crescent International, 16-28 February, 1987. Reprinted in Issues in the Islamic movement vol. 7 1985-86 (1405-06), pp. 153-154. … Articles, Crescent International, Muslim Institute, Reflections, Seminars, Writings 1987-02-16 17:42:00 1987/01/01 A historian’s view of the west, politics, the war and unity By Kalim Siddiqui. (Crescent International, 16-31 January, 1987. Reprinted in Issues in the Islamic movement, Vol. 7, 1986-87 (1405-06), pp. 139-143.) Whenever there is a … Articles, Crescent International, Reflections, Writings 1987-01-01 20:40:49 1986/09/16 Editorial: Bringing taqwa into journalism (Six years of Crescent International) (Editorial, Crescent International, 16-30 September, 1986. Reprinted in Issues in the Islamic movement, Vol. 7, 1986-87 (1405-06), pp. 49-51. This editorial was written by Dr Kalim Siddiqui.) … Articles, Crescent International, Editorials, Reflections 1986-09-16 16:30:22 1986/08/10 Colonialism still reigns supreme (Crescent Int.) Editorial in Crescent International (September 1-15, 1986) on the MI World Seminar on ‘Muslim political thought during the colonial period’. Reprinted in Issues in the … Crescent International, Editorials, Muslim Institute, Seminars 1986-08-10 19:37:54 1986/08/09 Resolutions of the MI Seminar on Muslim political thought under colonialism (1986) The following are the Consensus and Resolutions approved at the Muslim Institute World Seminar on ‘Muslim political thought during the colonial period’ held in London … Muslim Institute, Seminars 1986-08-09 19:16:00 1985/08/05 History demands patience and a great deal of it – Dr Kalim Siddiqui Article written by Dr Kalim Siddiqui reflecting on a meeting that took place after the Nationalism seminar in August 1985. In his diary, he described … Articles, Crescent International, Muslim Institute, Reflections, Seminars 1985-08-05 20:10:39 1985/08/04 Seminar examines the impact of nationalism on the Ummah (Crescent Int.) Report on the Muslim Institute World Seminar on the ‘Impact of Nationalism on the Ummah’ published in Crescent International, 1-15 September, 1985. It was also … Articles, Crescent International, Muslim Institute, Seminars 1985-08-04 17:33:50 1985/08/03 Consensus and resolutions of the Muslim Institute World Seminar on nationalism (1985) The following are the Consensus and Resolutions approved at the Muslim Institute World Seminar on ‘The Impact of Nationalism on the Ummah’ held in London … Muslim Institute, Seminars 1985-08-03 18:43:03 1985/08/01 Video: Dr Kalim Siddiqui on the impact of nationalism on the Ummah (1985) Keynote speech by Dr Kalim Siddiqui at the Muslim Institute World Seminar on ‘The impact of nationalism on the Ummah’. The full text of this … Muslim Institute, Seminars, Videos 1985-08-01 16:08:52 1984/08/19 Editorial: a world seminar on Pakistan Editorial in Crescent International (September 16-30, 1984) on the significance of the MI seminar on ‘What Future for Pakistan?’, London, 16-18 August, 1984. Reprinted in Issues … Crescent International, Editorials, Muslim Institute, Seminars 1984-08-19 15:47:00 1984/08/19 A detailed report on the Pakistan seminar – Muslimedia Article published by Muslimedia (September 1984) and reprinted in Issues in the Islamic movement, vol. 5, 1984-85 (1404-05), pp. 70-75. A new moral consensus for … Articles, Crescent International, Muslim Institute, Seminars 1984-08-19 13:39:12 1984/08/18 Pakistan was right; now it needs an Islamic Revolution Full text of the Resolutions passed by the World Seminar on ‘What Future for Pakistan?’, London, 16-18 August, 1984. Published in Crescent International, September 1-15, 1984. … Crescent International, Muslim Institute, Seminars 1984-08-18 15:13:54 1984/08/16 Islamic Revolution: the only possible future for Pakistan – Dr Kalim Siddiqui Abridged text of Dr Kalim Siddiqui’s speech at the MI seminar on ‘What Future for Pakistan?’, London, 16-18 August, 1984. Published by Muslimedia (October 1984) and … Muslim Institute, Papers and speeches, Seminars 1984-08-16 15:38:08 1984/08/16 Position Paper – MI seminar on ‘What Future for Pakistan?’ (1984) Position paper prepared by the Drafting Committee and presented to the seminar on ‘What Future for Pakistan?’, London, 16-18 August, 1984. Published in Crescent International, … Crescent International, Muslim Institute, Seminars 1984-08-16 14:36:14 1984/08/11 Resolutions of the seminar on the Islamic Revolution (1984) Published in Crescent International, September 16-31, 1984. Reprinted in Issues in the Islamic movement, vol. 5, 1984-85 (1404-05), pp. 34-36. Resolutions of the Muslim Institute … Crescent International, Muslim Institute, Seminars 1984-08-11 21:34:05 1984/08/11 Report on the MI seminar on the Islamic Revolution in Iran (1984) Published in Crescent International, September 1-15, 1984. Reprinted in Issues in the Islamic movement, vol. 5, 1984-85 (1404-05), pp. 27-32. Imam Khomeini is leader of … Crescent International, Muslim Institute, Seminars 1984-08-11 18:50:49 1984/08/01 Video: Highlights of the MI seminar on ‘The Islamic Revolution in Iran’ (1984) The Muslim Institute’s World Seminar in 1984 was on The Islamic Revolution in Iran: achievements, problems and prospects. A video of Dr Kalim Siddiqui’s keynote … Muslim Institute, Seminars, Videos 1984-08-01 17:46:18 1984/08/01 Video: Dr Kalim Siddiqui’s keynote paper at the MI Seminar on the ‘Islamic Revolution in Iran’ (1984) Full video of Dr Kalim Siddiqui’s paper, Primary goals and achievements of the Islamic Revolution in Iran. The full text of this paper (it was … Muslim Institute, Seminars, Videos 1984-08-01 17:38:44 1983/08/11 The Revolution and the new political thought In his second article on the MI seminar on ‘State and Politics in Islam’, Dr Kalim Siddiqui discusses the Consensus reached and some of the … Crescent International, Muslim Institute, Reflections, Seminars, Writings 1983-08-11 16:37:33 1983/08/10 The discovery and statement of the new political consensus After the MI seminar on ‘State and Politics in Islam’, Dr Kalim Siddiqui wrote two articles reflecting on it. This is the first, discussing its … Crescent International, Muslim Institute, Reflections, Seminars, Writings 1983-08-10 15:52:05 1983/08/07 Ulama agree on all major issues in Muslim political thought — Crescent International. Article in Crescent International (September 16-31, 1983) on the Muslim Institute World Seminar on ‘State and Politics in Islam’ . Reprinted in Issues in the … Articles, Crescent International, Muslim Institute, Seminars 1983-08-07 18:42:03 1983/08/07 Islamic view of politics reasserted strongly at the Muslim Institute — Muslimedia A detailed account of the Seminar on ‘State and Politics in Islam’ published by Muslimedia in September 1983. Reprinted in Issues in the Islamic movement, … Articles, Crescent International, Muslim Institute, Seminars 1983-08-07 18:20:00 1983/08/03 The consensus at the seminar on State and Politics in Islam (1983) At the end of the Muslim Institute World Seminar on ‘State and Politics in Islam’ (3-6 August, 1983), the seminar approved a Statement of Consensus … Crescent International, Muslim Institute, Seminars 1983-08-03 19:30:02 1983/08/01 Video: Highlights of the MI Seminar on State and Politics in Islam (1983) Dr Kalim Siddiqui presents edited highlights of the Muslim Institute seminar in 1983. Also available is the full video of his keynote speech at the … Muslim Institute, Seminars, Videos 1983-08-01 17:03:13 1983/08/01 Video: Keynote speech at the MI World Seminar on State and Politics in Islam (1983) Full video of Dr Kalim Siddiqui’s paper ‘Integration and disintegration in the politics of Islam and kufr’. The full text of the paper (it was … Muslim Institute, Seminars, Videos 1983-08-01 16:56:04 1982/08/16 Hajj seminar: Call to create four regional Islamic States (1982) An article in Crescent International, 16-31 August, 1982, highlighting a point from Dr Kalim Siddiqui’s keynote address at the Muslim Institute Hajj Seminar in London, … Articles, Crescent International, Muslim Institute, Seminars 1982-08-16 11:21:00 1982/08/10 Ideological vitality at the Hajj Seminar — Crescent Article in Crescent International (1-15 September, 1982) reporting on the Muslim Institute Hajj Seminar, August 1982. Reprinted in Issues in the Islamic movement, vol. 3, … Articles, Crescent International, Muslim Institute, Seminars 1982-08-10 11:40:45 1982/08/09 The Haramain: a common heritage of the Ummah – Hajj Seminar (1982) Recommendations of the Muslim Institute Hajj Seminar (1982). Published in Crescent International (16-31 August, 1982) and reprinted in Issues in the Islamic movement, vol. 3, … Articles, Crescent International, Muslim Institute, Seminars 1982-08-09 11:49:36 1980/11/01 Right war for the new century (1-15 Nov, 1980) (Editorial, Crescent International, 1-15 November, 1980) This issue of Crescent International straddles the last few days of the fourteenth hijra century and the first few … Articles, Crescent International 1980-11-01 14:15:47 1980/10/16 The defence of the Islamic state (Editorial, Crescent International, October 16-31, 1980) As Saddam Husain launched his US-assigned invasion against the Islamic Revolution in Iran, none of the Iraqi or US … Articles, Crescent International, Editorials 1980-10-16 14:03:36 1980/10/16 A grand alliance against Islam (16 Oct 1980) (Editorial, Crescent International, 16-30 October, 1980.) It is not a war between Iraq and Iran. It is not even an invasion of Iran by Iraq. … Articles, Crescent International 1980-10-16 13:56:31 1980/09/01 Temporary state… eternal capital (Editorial, Crescent International, September 1-15, 1980.) Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi liberated Jerusalem in 1187 after the holy city had been in the hands of the Crusaders … Articles, Crescent International, Editorials 1980-09-01 12:00:00 1980/01/01 Revolution of revolutions! — Kalim Siddiqui, January 1980. Article by Dr Kalim Siddiqui published in ‘The Muslim Statesman’, Durban, January 1980, reprinted in Issues in the Islamic movement, vol. 3, 1982-83 (1402-03), pp. … Articles, Reflections, Writings 1980-01-01 12:47:29 1976/02/01 Early plans and a global outlook – Muslim Institute Founders’ Bulletin 2 (February 1976) The second (and as it turned out, last) Founders’ Bulletin announced the registration of the Muslim Institute Trust as a Charity. Dr Siddiqui’s article on … Muslim Institute, Writings 1976-02-01 13:05:36 1975/06/01 ‘A sense of history…’ – Muslim Institute Founders’ Bulletin 1 (June 1975) In June 1975 and February 1976, Dr Kalim Siddiqui wrote and circulated two Founders’ Bulletins for the embryonic Muslim Institute. The first, reproduced below, consisted … Muslim Institute, Papers and speeches, Writings 1975-06-01 12:52:40 1974/02/01 About the Draft Prospectus of the Muslim Institute (1974) This page provides an introduction to the Draft Prospectus of the Muslim Institute, along with links to PDF versions of its various editions between 1974 … Muslim Institute, Papers and speeches 1974-02-01 21:10:00 1958/10/25 Dr Kalim Siddiqui: an early speech on the Seerah (1958) The Seerah of the Prophet (saw), and particularly its socio-political dimensions, was an enduring interest of Dr Kalim Siddiqui’s. It crops up throughout his life, … Papers and speeches, Writings 1958-10-25 19:06:05